Easter was a lot of fun for us. The Saturday before Easter we woke up early and went to Grandma and Papa Urry's house. They served us omelets and cinnamon rolls. After we ate Melissa and I went out to hide the eggs. It is fun being the Easter bunny for a change! I love to see the kids get excited about such simple things. Afterwards we took the kids out to search for eggs. Grandma hid numbers in the eggs and gave out prizes for each number that the kids found. How exciting for the kids! It was Lawrynn's first Easter but I think it's still a little bit too early for her to understand and to be excited about it.
On Sunday we went to Grandma and Papa Jackson's house. Ryan actually got to be with us that day (he had to work on Saturday). We had dinner and an Easter egg hunt. It's funny to see all the adults hunt for eggs with their little Easter baskets! We had a lot of fun!
Ryley doing his scratch art

Lawrynn's all tuckered out

Ryley being an 'alien'
Blowing bubbles!

Ryley's climbin' trees

Pretty girl!

Ryley didn't want to leave Grandma and Papa's house!

Lawrynn in her new spring dress!

Lawrynn and big mama! Best Friends!

"I think I see an egg over there..."

Baby Matthew, Lawrynn and Ryley (they weren't cooperating too well!)